Project Details

  • Name: Electromagnetic Spectrum Environment Analysis Tool (ESEAT)
  • Client: NSWC Crane
  • Project Date: Aug 2021 - Current
  • Project Site: redacted
  • Tech Stack: Python Backend, .NET API Middleware, React.js Frontend
  • Additional Information: This project was developed for and used by the Department of Defense (NSWC Crane). My role in this project was Senior Engineer for the .NET API solution. I lead a team of 2 developers, this is a smaller budget project and delivering value without going over budget was tricky.

    The primary goal of this project is to curated budgetary documents in an easy-to-search application. Elasticsearch is utilized when searching for content/keywords. There are also dynamic aggregate views of budgetary data.

    Our Data Science team has created an API that we (backend engineers) interface with, this allows us to create user specific grouping (bookmarks) and system wide tagging (tags), such that an analyst at the DoD could curate a list of budgetary data and view aggregated charts/graphs on that data.

  • If you have any questions, please reach out to me directly.

Project Images